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Kategori: Rekommenderade pokerböcker

Expand Your Poker Library with ‘Poker Books’: Step into the realm where the legends of poker share their wisdom through the written word. Our Poker Books category is a treasure trove for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of the game.

Whether you’re a beginner absorbing the basics or a seasoned player seeking advanced tactics, there’s a book for every level. Discover works by poker greats, covering strategies, psychology, odds, and personal tales from the felt. Each book is a journey into the minds of poker masters, offering invaluable insights and anecdotes.

From timeless classics to the latest releases, our selection and reviews will guide you to the perfect read. Enhance your knowledge, refine your strategies, and get inspired by the stories of poker’s finest. In the world of poker, a well-read player is often a winning player!

Spela Optimal Poker 2

“Spela Optimal Poker 2: Range Construction” av Andrew Brokos är en uppföljning av hans första bok, “Spela Optimal Poker: Praktisk spelteori för alla pokerspelare.” Den här andra delen fokuserar specifikt på sortimentskonstruktion, en viktig komponent i alla pokerspelares spel. The book starts by discussing the importance of ranges in poker and how […]

The biggest Bluff

The Biggest Bluffby Maria Konnikova is a captivating memoir that takes readers on a journey through the author’s transformation from a complete novice to a successful professional poker player. The book provides a unique perspective on the game of poker, as Konnikova approaches it not as a typical player seeking to win money, but […]

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