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Бадасей – Правила & Концепция игры

Badacey is a popular mixed game that combines two lesser-known poker variantsBadugi and 2-7 Тройное дро. This game can be both challenging and exciting, as it requires players to be skilled in both games in order to succeed. В этой статье, we will outline the rules of Badacey and how to play the game.

The objective of Badacey is to make the lowest possible hand using two gamesBadugi and 2-7 Тройное дро. The game is played with a maximum of six players, and each player receives five cards to start. The first two betting rounds are played in a limit format, while the last betting round is played in a no-limit format.

The game begins with each player receiving five cards face down. The first round of betting then begins, начиная с игрока слева от дилера. In Badacey, the player with the lowest card showing must begin the betting. If two or more players have the same lowest card, the player closest to the dealer button will begin the betting.

После первого раунда ставок, players have the option to discard any number of their cards and receive new ones. В Бадуги, players discard cards after the first betting round, while in 2-7 Тройное дро, players discard cards after the second betting round. The dealer will then deal replacement cards face down to each player who discarded cards.

Once all players have received their new cards, the second round of betting begins, this time starting with the player to the left of the dealer. This round follows the same rules as the first round, with the player with the lowest card showing beginning the betting.

После второго раунда ставок, the 2-7 Triple Draw portion of the game begins. Players can discard any number of their cards and receive new ones up to three times, with betting taking place between each draw. В 2-7 Тройное дро, цель состоит в том, чтобы собрать минимально возможную комбинацию из пяти карт., with straights and flushes counting against the player’s hand. The lowest possible hand is 7-5-4-3-2, также известный как “колесо”.

Once the third round of betting is complete, the Badugi portion of the game resumes. Players can discard any number of their cards and receive new ones, with the goal being to make the lowest possible four-card hand with cards of different suits. A hand with four different suits is called aBadugi”, and is the best possible hand in the game.

Как только все ставки будут завершены, players reveal their hands. The player with the lowest Badugi hand wins half of the pot, while the player with the lowest 2-7 Triple Draw hand wins the other half of the pot. If a player wins both the Badugi and 2-7 Triple Draw portions of the game, они выигрывают весь банк.

One of the key strategies in Badacey is to be able to switch between the two games seamlessly. Players must be able to adapt to the different rules and strategies of each game, while also keeping track of the cards that have been discarded and the cards that are still in play.

В заключение, Badacey is a challenging and exciting mixed game that requires players to be skilled in both Badugi and 2-7 Тройное дро. With its unique combination of two lesser-known poker variants, Badacey offers a fresh and interesting twist on traditional poker games. By mastering the rules of Badacey and developing a solid strategy, players can improve their chances of winning and take their game to the next level.