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Regole del poker Badugi

Badugi is a relatively new and increasingly popular variant of poker that originated in Asia. A Badugi, players try to make the best four-card hand possible, with the objective being to have the lowest possible cards and no cards of the same suit or rank. This article will provide an in-depth look at the rules of Badugi and some basic strategy tips for players.


The game begins with each player being dealt four cards face down. The first round of betting begins, with the player to the left of the dealer starting the action. Players have the option to fold, chiamata, o alzare.

Dopo il primo giro di puntate, players have the option to discard any number of cards from their hand and receive new cards from the deck. Inizia quindi il secondo giro di puntate, a partire dal giocatore alla sinistra del mazziere.

Una volta completato il secondo giro di puntate, any remaining players proceed to the showdown. The player with the best four-card hand, with no cards of the same rank or suit, vince il piatto.

Hand Rankings:

A Badugi, hand rankings are based on the number of cards in the hand, with aces being low. The best possible hand is A-2-3-4, with each card being a different suit. If a player has two cards of the same suit or rank, only one of those cards counts towards the hand. Per esempio, if a player has two spades and two diamonds, only one spade and one diamond count towards the hand.

The second best hand is a three-card Badugi, with the best three-card Badugi being A-2-3. If two or more players have the same number of cards in their hand, the hand with the lowest ranked card wins.

Struttura delle scommesse:

The betting structure in Badugi is similar to other forms of poker, with a small and big blind being posted before the start of each hand. The small blind is usually half of the minimum bet, and the big blind is equal to the minimum bet.

In the first round of betting, players can only call, piega, o alzare. In the second round of betting, players have the option to discard any number of cards and receive new cards from the deck. Dopo il secondo giro di puntate, players can call, piega, or raise again.

Suggerimenti strategici:

  1. Gioca stretto: A Badugi, it is important to play tight and only play premium hands. Avoid playing hands with duplicate suits or ranks, as they will not be considered for the final hand.
  2. La posizione è fondamentale: Come in qualsiasi forma di poker, position is a crucial factor in Badugi. Prova a giocare più mani quando sei in posizione finale, poiché avrai maggiori informazioni sugli altri giocatori’ mani.
  3. Discard wisely: When discarding cards, it is important to think about the potential value of the new cards. Try to discard cards that are unlikely to improve your hand, and aim to draw to the lowest possible hand.
  4. Bluff sparingly: Bluffing can be effective in Badugi, but it should be used sparingly. Since there are fewer cards in a Badugi hand than in other forms of poker, players are more likely to have a strong hand.


Badugi is a fun and challenging variant of poker that requires players to think carefully about their hand selection and discards. Giocando stretto, paying attention to position, discarding wisely, and bluffing sparingly, players can increase their chances of success in Badugi. Con un po' di pratica e un po' di fortuna, anyone can become a skilled Badugi player.