
类别: 初学者扑克策略

欢迎来到激动人心的扑克世界! 我们的初学者扑克策略部分是您进入这个激动人心的竞技场的终极指南.

将此视为您的扑克训练营 – 在这里你学习的不仅仅是玩耍, 但要聪明地玩. 我们涵盖从手牌排名的绝对基础知识到投注和资金管理基础知识的所有内容. 了解德州扑克的诀窍, 奥马哈, 和更多, 提供易于理解的指南和提示.

我们友好的, 无行话方法使学习扑克变得有趣且无压力. 从这里开始,您很快就会像专业人士一样虚张声势并跟注. 记住, 每个扑克传奇都是从一手牌开始的!


七张牌梭哈高低, 也称为七张梭哈八或更好, 是七张牌梭哈的一种流行变体,其中底池由最高手牌和最低手牌平分. 这意味着手牌排名最高的玩家和手牌排名最低的玩家分享底池. […]


介绍: Position play is a fundamental aspect of no limit Texas Hold’em poker, allowing skilled players to gain an edge over their opponents and control the action of the game. 在这份综合指南中, we will explore how position play works, how it influences the game, and provide specific strategies and tactics for leveraging position […]

记笔记: 跟踪对手习惯和行为的策略

Poker is a game of information. Every piece of information you have about your opponents can be used to your advantage. The more you know about your opponents’ 演奏风格, 倾向, and habits, the more informed decisions you can make, and the more likely you are to come out ahead. One of the best ways […]

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