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ICMIZER is a poker software that is designed to help players make optimal decisions in tournaments. The software uses the Independent Chip Model (ICM) to calculate the equity of each player’s stack and provide recommendations for different in-game scenarios. In this review, we will take a closer look at ICMIZER and explore its features, usability, […]


I pokerns snabba värld, where split-second decisions can mean the difference between victory and defeat, players constantly seek ways to gain an edge over their opponents. Enter Flopzilla, a cutting-edge software tool that has revolutionized the way poker enthusiasts approach the game. I den här artikeln, we embark on a journey to decipher the […]

Holdem Manager 3

Hold’em Manager 3 Review: An In-Depth Look at the Top Poker Tracking Software Hold’em Manager 3 is a powerful poker tracking software that offers a variety of features to help poker players improve their game. Whether you’re a professional or a recreational player, Hold’em Manager 3 provides valuable insights into your gameplay, helping you to […]

Poker Tracker 4

PokerTracker 4 (PT4) är en populär mjukvara för pokerspårning utformad för att hjälpa pokerspelare att förbättra sitt spel genom att förse dem med djupgående dataanalys av deras spel. Det är ett viktigt verktyg för seriösa pokerspelare som vill analysera sin prestation och fatta datadrivna beslut. Funktioner: PT4 offers a wide range of features that […]

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