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Категорија: Покер Тоолс & Софтвер

Унапредите своју игру помоћу наших покер алата & Категорија софтвера. Ево, упознајемо вас са страним покером која је паметна у технологији, где прави софтвер може бити кључан као и убица у покеру. Од анализатора историје руку до калкулатора квота, имамо рецензије и увид у алате који вам могу дати предност. Научите како да искористите ове алате да анализирате своју игру, проучите своје противнике, и доносити информисаније одлуке. Било да сте обичан играч који жели да се побољша или озбиљан млин који тражи ту додатну предност, наши стручни савети ће вам помоћи да одаберете праве алате за унапређење ваше игре. Запамтити, у дигитално доба покера, паметан играч је играч са техничким опремом.


PokerStove is a free and easy-to-use poker odds calculator software that helps players to determine their hand equity in different scenarios. It was created by computer programmer and poker player Matt Mazur, and was first released in 2005. Since then, it has become one of the most popular poker tools among players of all skill […]


ICMIZER is a poker software that is designed to help players make optimal decisions in tournaments. The software uses the Independent Chip Model (ICM) to calculate the equity of each player’s stack and provide recommendations for different in-game scenarios. In this review, we will take a closer look at ICMIZER and explore its features, usability, […]


In the fast-paced world of poker, where split-second decisions can mean the difference between victory and defeat, players constantly seek ways to gain an edge over their opponents. Enter Flopzilla, a cutting-edge software tool that has revolutionized the way poker enthusiasts approach the game. У овом чланку, we embark on a journey to decipher the […]

Холдем Манагер 3

Hold’em Manager 3 Review: An In-Depth Look at the Top Poker Tracking Software Hold’em Manager 3 is a powerful poker tracking software that offers a variety of features to help poker players improve their game. Whether you’re a professional or a recreational player, Hold’em Manager 3 provides valuable insights into your gameplay, helping you to […]

Покер Трацкер 4

PokerTracker 4 (PT4) is a popular poker tracking software designed to help poker players improve their game by providing them with in-depth data analysis of their gameplay. It is an essential tool for serious poker players who want to analyze their performance and make data-driven decisions. Features: PT4 offers a wide range of features that […]

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