

Run It Once is a highly regarded poker training site that was founded in 2012 by Phil Galfond, a respected professional poker player with numerous accolades in the game. The site is designed to provide players of all levels with a range of resources and tools to help them improve their skills and become better […]

コース: 賢いプレーヤーのための本格的なホールデム戦略” エド・ミラー著

No-limit hold’em is one of the most popular variants of poker, and mastering it requires a solid understanding of various concepts and strategies. Ed Miller, a professional poker player, coach, and author, has written several books on poker strategy, including “コース: Serious Hold ‘Em Strategy For Smart Players.In this book, Miller provides a […]

混合ゲームをマスターする: ドローの必勝戦略, スタッド, フロップ ゲーム

“混合ゲームをマスターする: ドローの必勝戦略, スタッド, フロップ ゲーム” by Dylan Linde is a comprehensive guide to playing a variety of mixed games, including draw, stud, and flop games. This book is an excellent resource for players looking to expand their skill set and learn new games, as well as for those who […]

最適なポーカーをプレイする 2

“最適なポーカーをプレイする 2: 範囲の構築” アンドリュー・ブロコス著は彼の最初の本の続編です, “最適なポーカーをプレイする: すべてのポーカー プレーヤーのための実践的なゲーム理論。” この第 2 回目では、範囲の構築に特に焦点を当てます。, ポーカー プレーヤーのゲームに不可欠な要素. The book starts by discussing the importance of ranges in poker and how […]

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